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6 Natural Ways of Getting Rid of a Sinus Infection + Prevention Tips

General Health

Sinusitis or sinus infection is the inflammation or swelling of sinus cavities or the tissue lining the sinuses. Often, healthy sinuses contain air, and when they are filled with fluid or mucus and blocked, germs are able to grow thus causing an infection. A person with a common cold may experience sinus blockage. Sinus problems can occur frequently in people with allergies or asthma leading to continual pressure around the nose as well as headaches, bad-tasting postnasal drip, exhaustion, and other symptoms. A majority of sinus problems occur due to viruses, so taking antibiotics may not work to treat the condition. That being said, there are various natural remedies that can effectively offer relief in patients with sinus infections and sinus pain. Before you use antibiotics to treat sinus infection, you may want to try out these natural remedies.

  • Steam up your face

Warming up and moisturising your sinus passageways can offer an effective remedy for sinus infections. Inhaling steam soothes the sinus tissue whilst clearing them a little. Boil water in a pot and tent a towel over the head whilst bending over the pot in order to inhale the steam. Keep the eyes closed and ensure you aren’t too close to the heated water. As you continue inhaling the steam, you will find that the hot water will continue cooling, so you can move in a little to the point where you are comfortable. This will prevent having burns from hot water. You may add a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus oil in the hot water – it helps open the nose.

You may also steam up your face by standing in the shower or sitting in the bathroom as the shower runs. Placing a warm washcloth over the nose and cheeks can also help.

  • Irrigating your sinuses

You can use a saltwater solution to help flush out germs as well as plugged-up mucus in the sinus passage. This process is known as nasal irrigation, nasal douche, lavage, or nasal wash. Irrigation can help improve the symptoms of sinus infections as indicated in one review that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 2016.

When irrigating the nasal passage, you want to ensure you use sterile or distilled water. You can sterilise the water by boiling it then cooling it.
  • Practise yoga

Making yoga moves where your head gets elevated can help you feel better whilst not putting a lot of pressure on the sinuses. You can do the supported reclined cobbler’s pose where you start by placing a rolled-up blanket or bolster under your back then lie on your bed. You then bend the knees and get the soles of the feet together. Now, relax the arms out to the sides and try to remain there for some minutes or as long as you may be comfortable.

  • Use supplements

Supplements like enzyme bromelain can help with sinus pain and inflammation. Bromelain consists of a mixture of enzymes you find in the pineapple plant. You can get this supplement in the form of a tablet, powder, or capsule. Research featured in the journal Laryngoscope, it showed that bromelain can be effective in relieving inflammation or sinus symptoms.

  • Consider taking Quercetin

Probably you may not have heard of it, but quercetin is a powerful, natural plant component you find in apples, onions, red wine, and green tea. It’s an antioxidant and it helps stabilize the cells that release histamine. Histamine is the chemical responsible for stimulating mucus secretion within the sinuses.

  • Consume liquids that ease sinus pain or loosen congestion

You may want to stay hydrated to keep the sinuses moist – it will help feel better. It also reduces the mucus thickness to make it flow out easily. Drink 8-ounce glasses of water every day to stay hydrated.

Using these sinus infection treatment tips can help you manage or get rid of your sinus infection. To prevent sinus infections on your kid, you want to keep her from cigarette smoke, use a humidifier, saline sprays, and washes, and keep her from things that can cause allergy. Late night and signs of sinus infection? Please contact us for our after-hours services.

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